During the recent school holidays, two St Clare’s College students, Sophia Stewart and Giulia Masini, were selected to participate in the InnovateNOW program, led by Columbia Business School’s esteemed Professor Daniel McQuade. This five-day intensive program was designed to ignite students’ entrepreneurial spirit and equip them with essential business skills. Throughout the week, students engaged in various activities, including idea generation, market research, design thinking, business modelling, and social entrepreneurship.

Professor Daniel McQuade shared how impressed he was with the participants, stating, “The level of creativity and passion these young students brought to the table was extraordinary. Their ability to tackle real-world problems with innovative solutions is truly impressive.”

The highlight of the program was the final day pitches, where students presented their projects to a panel of industry expert judges – Stephanie Weiss (Arula startup founder and CEO), Frank Newman (Sydney School of Entrepreneurship), and Jacqueline Frost (Sydney Catholic Schools Chief of Staff).We are so proud that our students’ business concept and pitch was awarded first place! The girls developed a Sustainable Honey Farming Social Enterprise to promote sustainable beekeeping practices to support local communities and protect the environment.

The InnovateNOW program aligns seamlessly with the vision of Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) of thriving Catholic communities through excellent teaching and learning. SCS’s aim is to nurture well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to society. The InnovateNOW program embodies this by empowering our students with entrepreneurial skills and encouraging them to think critically about global issues.