The St Clare’s College Year 12 student leaders recently launched their 2023 theme for the community:

Cast your stone, create the ripple’ 

Accompanied by a quote from John: ‘Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.’ (1 John 3:18)

This theme was created to inspire our community to achieve their personal best, while honouring the unique potential and strengths of every young woman at St Clare’s College.

Izzie Sheffield, College Captain, acknowledges that “ ‘Casting your stone’ means something different and unique to everyone…. We believe that every girl holds her own unique and individual stone; a stone which symbolises her journey, which when cast can create change and impact.” 

John’s message, ‘Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth’,  conveys that actions are the greatest form of love. 

Our 2023 theme encourages our community to stay true to themselves and communicate love through not just our words but our interactions and relationships with one another. 

As a community we embrace Fransiscan values, utilising the guidance of both Christ and St Clare. Each of us casts our own stone through our actions, motivated by love and truth.

May we embrace this year’s theme to empower ourselves and others in creating positive change in 2023.